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We designed two growth paths people can follow:
Do not necessarily want or have the right skills to manage people.
This path of growth is focused on the development of technical skills.
Develop the skills for advising and leading people.
Managers are also responsible for the teams’ and divisions' performance evaluations
Whatever path you follow, you have a clear direction for development, career growth, and monetary success. Each path is composed of frameworks that cover every aspect of our business.
It is possible to jump from one framework to another if you meet the technical requirements for it and if there is an opening.
By default, all employees are hired as Individual Contributors unless specified otherwise. Whenever one employee reaches Level 3, he/she can show interest in following the Management Path. Whatever path you choose, you have a clear direction for development, career growth, and monetary success.
In the Individual Contributor's Framework you will find the description, the salary and the realm of every IC path. In the Management Frameworks will find the description, the salary and the realm of every MGT path.
The tables in next slides, utilized in both the IC path and the Management Path, are oversized. For enhanced clarity, feel free to download them from here.