Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Policy
Policy brief & purpose
This policy explains in which conditions our employees can be assigned Corrective Action Plan and what are the steps that need to be taken in order to lift it.
This policy applies to all our employees.
Policy Elements
A CAP is a Corrective Action Plan that is assigned to our employees whenever they have over time demonstrated:
Non-compliance with Secure Group internal policies.
No adherence to the Culture Code
Other actions, attitudes, and/or behavior deemed in contrast with LUNR culture code
Please note: a can occur at the same time as a Disciplinary action
Employee: Attends 1-on-1; discusses the issue(s) in question with direct manager and receives the CAP.
HR: is present at 1-on-1 to affirm the issue(s) in question (if needed).
Positive outcome (employee has met objectives after approved CAP): CAP is lifted.
Negative outcome (employee has failed to meet approved CAP objectives): Escalation to HR and contract termination.
Employee: implements objectives and attends second 1-on-1 with the direct manager within 30 days.
Policy Violation
In case this policy is not abode by employees the following actions will be taken:
Disciplinary action: may occur along with the CAP if it's a minor violation
Termination of Employment: if a severe violation or a CAP negative outcome
Last updated