Anti-discrimination Policy
Policy brief & purpose
Our anti-discrimination policy explains how we prevent discrimination and protect our employees, customers, and stakeholders from offensive and harmful behaviors. This policy supports our overall commitment to creating a safe and happy workplace for everyone. Our company complies with all anti-discrimination laws. We explicitly prohibit offensive behavior and disrespectful behavior.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, customers, and stakeholders.
Policy Elements
Discrimination is any negative action or attitude directed towards someone because of protected characteristics, like race and gender. Other protected characteristics are:
Ethnicity/ nationality
Disability/ medical history
Marriage / civil partnership
Pregnancy / maternity/ paternity
Gender identity/ sexual orientation
Discrimination and harassment
Our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies go hand-in-hand. We will not tolerate any kind of discrimination that creates a hostile and unpleasant environment for employees, customers or partners. Here are some instances that we consider discrimination:
Employees making sexist comments.
Employees sending emails disparaging someone’s ethnic origin.
We will not be lenient in cases of assault, sexual harassment or workplace violence, whether physical or psychological. We will terminate employees who behave like this immediately.
Actions to prevent discrimination
To ensure that our conduct and processes are fair and lawful, we:
Use inclusive language in job ads
Set formal job-related criteria to hire, promote and reward team members.
Offer compensation and benefits according to position, seniority, qualifications, and performance, not protected characteristics.
Require managers to keep detailed records of their decisions concerning their team members and job candidates.
What to do in cases of discrimination
If you are the victim of discriminatory behavior (or if you suspect that others are being discriminated against,) please talk to the HR or your direct manager as soon as possible. HR is responsible for hearing your claim, investigating the issue and determining the consequences. Punishment for discriminatory behavior depends on the severity of the offense.
How we address discrimination complaints
HR is proactive and responsive to determining whether discrimination occurs. We will look into similar claims about the same person or process to determine if discrimination is systemic. We will investigate all claims discreetly. We will never disclose who made a complaint to anyone or give out information that may help others identify that person (e.g. which department or role they work in.) We should all strive to prevent and address discrimination. Be aware of your implicit biases and speak up whenever you or your colleagues are discriminated against.
Policy Violation
In case this policy is not abode by employees the following actions will be taken (depending on the severity of the behavior):
Disciplinary action: if a minor violation
Corrective Action Plan (CAP): if a severe violation
Termination of Employment: in case of workplace violence
Last updated