Violence In The Workplace Policy
Policy brief & purpose
It's in LUNR's priorities to provide a safe workplace for employees and for visitors to the workplace. This policy explains what are the non-accepted type of violent behavior and the consequences for it.
This policy applies to all employees.
Policy Elements
“Workplace violence” refers to physical acts of violence or threats to harm a person or property. Abusive behaviors, whether verbal, psychological or physical, are also considered violence. More specifically:
Verbal abuse can be using unwelcome, embarrassing, offensive, threatening or degrading language.
Psychological abuse is an act that provokes fear or diminishes a person’s dignity or self-esteem.
Sexual abuse is any unwelcome verbal or physical assault.
Examples of violent behavior among co-workers include but are not limited to:
Intimidating or bullying others
Abusive language
Physical assault
Threatening behavior
Concealing or using a weapon
Sexual or racial harassment
Our company doesn’t tolerate violence. Employees must report any concerns or violent acts to HR as soon as possible.
Policy Violation
In case this policy is not abode by employees the following actions will be taken (depending on the severity of the behavior):
Corrective Action Plan (CAP): if a minor violation
Termination of Employment: if a severe violation
Last updated