Physical Access Control
Policy brief & purpose
Our Access Control policy outlines our rules for receiving visitors at our premises. We want to ensure that visitors will not:
Pose threats to our premises and property
Distract employees from their work
Be exposed to danger
The policy applies to all employees, contractors, trainees, partners, customers and all other visitors. The access control is granted by one Employee - the Assets Security Agent. In their absence - by the Office Manager. Employees, except the Security Guard and the Office Manager may not allow access to our building to unauthorized visitors.
Policy Elements
Access of Employees
Each Employee shall access the premises with their own access chip. In case of a forgotten or lost chip, you should approach immediately the Assets Security Agent or, in their absence, - the Office Manager. Employees are not allowed to let in their colleagues, that do not have their own access chip on the premises or to exchange their access chips. Each access chip is unique and personal.
Access of Contractors / Freelancers - Temporary assignments
When arrives, the visitor is registered in the visitor's software Teems by the Assets Security Agent and receives a personal chip for the day. At the end of the working hours, the visitor shall return the chip to the Assets Security Agent.
Access of visitors - Partners / Customers / Candidates
Each visit shall be registered by the Assets Security Agent in the visitor software Teem, where the visitor signs an NDA / GDPR agreement. At each visitor registration, the host should be selected in the Platform. Then, the host receives an email and should accompany their visitors from the Lobby to the premises of the meeting. When the visit is over, the Employee is responsible for accompanying the visitor back to the lobby. For each visitor, a badge is printed containing the name of the person and a photo of them. The visitors shall wear the badge throughout their visit to the office. No visitors are allowed to walk on the premises by themselves.
Access of couriers
Couriers are not allowed to enter on the office floors, except for huge packages. All Company packages and correspondence should be accepted by the Assets Security Agent and then dispatched twice a day by the Office Manager. Couriers that dispatch personal orders of Employees, should contact directly the employees and wait for them to pick up the packages in the lobby.
Validate Visitor's Identity
Visitor shall provide their ID card to Assets Security Agent in order for their identity to be validated. This data won't be stored or kept by LUNR.
Pre-approved Visitors
Guests of the Managing Directors, Government or other institutional representatives or other special guests may pass without having to register. For these cases, the person that invites them shall fill in a pre-registration form at the moment they create the meeting.
Policy Violation
In case the employee does not follow this policy, the following action will be taken:
Disciplinary action / Other administrative actions if the behavior of the Employee led to a security breach that had negative consequences for the company.
Last updated