Shiftwork Policy

Policy brief & purpose

This policy explains what are the criteria for employees' attendance when working in shifts.


This policy applies to all employees that are eligible to work in shifts.

Policy Elements

Working hours

Our employees work the conditions of 40-hours per week and following the specified rules of the Bulgarian Labor Code. Employees under this working model should follow the availability time, during which they can be outside the company, but should be available and immediately arrive at their workplace.


  • Your shift will be scheduled through BambooHR and you should follow as it's defined

  • Employees that work in shifts should be available, with easy access to a phone/laptop in case of an emergency such as repairs in the system, failure in the server, etc. The employees might be asked to come to the premises of the company, depending on the severity of the situation.

Policy violation

In case this policy is not abode by employees the following actions will be taken: is policy is not abode by employees the following actions will be taken:

  • Disciplinary action: if a minor violation

  • Corrective Action Plan (CAP): if severe and/or frequent violation

Last updated